Anomaly Rock Springs Cafe Event: Updated for 3/26/2022

Desertbreeze   -  

Hi there Anomaly Students, Parents/Guardians-

For our event on Saturday (tomorrow,) the update is that you should feed your student(s) lunch before the event. Our focus up at Rock Springs Cafe will be on the pie and ice cream products! We will only be spending 90ish minutes on the property, and I would not be happy if some kids did not get seated or fed during that window. The service up there is not what we could call ‘fast’, and I want to honor the 3:00 return time as best as I can.

We will be headed up there for pie & ice cream, as well as some brief shopping and hanging out. A full meal should not be expected.

Last but certainly not least, please remember to register your student(s) online before dropping them off at church. Our seats are limited, and I would not feel comfortable strapping a 6th grader to the top of my Corolla. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do it, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be comfortable doing it.

All jokes aside, thank you so much for your continued support of the ANOMALY Ministry here at Desert Breeze! It is so appreciated!

Jayse Meyer