Upcoming Faith Family Freedom Town Square: “2nd-Vote Your Values.”
July 29, 2022 1:51 PM

Hello Faith, Family and Freedom Lovers!
We are gearing up for another great Faith Family Freedom Town Square! Our topic is “2nd-Vote Your Values.” August 8, 6:00 p.m.
We will 1st-vote our values at the ballot box on August 2. Now 2nd-vote them at the checkout counter!
We are very excited to have a researcher from 2nd vote who will discuss how we can make better buying decisions that align with traditional American values. We now have a tool at our fingertips that helps us make buying decisions that will starve or transform corporations and organizations that harm our families and communities and future.
Please reserve your spot on HERE.
If you need childcare, the cost is $5.00/family.
Please see the flyer attached, print it and distribute to anyone who needs to hear this!
Remember FAITH is an ACTION WORD! Let’s stay in the battle to keep winning souls for Jesus!
Warren and Andrea B