Anomaly Missions Trip Backpack Drive Return By 7/28/2022

July 20, 2022 11:58 AM
Hi there DB friends and family,
It's almost that time to have all backpacks dropped off for those going to Missions Door.
The backpacks are going with our Anomaly students to hand deliver when they go to Missions Camp, so all items are due in the church office by Thursday, July 28th.
If interested and in case you missed the previous announcements here is the list of items needed along with a backpack.
Here is the list of supplies needed for 3rd-12th grades both boys and girls.
Backpack with these 7 items: 
  * 3-ring binder, 
  * Notebook paper (college ruled) 
 * Spiral notebook
  * Pens- black, blue, and red 
  * Pencils
  * Glue sticks
Thank you to our generous DB Community- You have remained faithful, always giving over and beyond what is asked with loving hearts. Please know that through your support DB is continuing to share the Gospel and growing each other in Christ. Because of God working through you, we’ve been able to serve those in need giving them hope and showing them Jesus. 
We are grateful for you!